Physics and astronomy

Atomic Physics

Module code: F3211
Level 6
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Lecture, Class
Assessment modes: Coursework, Unseen examination

On this module, you’ll explore:

  • fine structure in hydrogen
  • hyperfine structure including isotope and nuclear spin effects
  • interaction of atoms with external fields
  • helium atom
  • multi-electron atoms and the periodic system
  • radiative processes and Einstein coefficients
  • emission and absorption spectra and line broadening
  • basics of molecular structure: vibration and rotation.


Level 5: (F3239) Quantum Mechanics 1 [T2]

Module learning outcomes

  • Systematic understanding of the structure of atoms and molecules.
  • Detailed knowledge of the physical processes determining the properties of atoms.
  • Familiarity with modern applications of atomic physics in spectroscopy and astrophysics.
  • Ability to solve simple physical problems in atomic physics.